July 2020
"I never thought this EP would ever see the light of day, honestly!" shares Matt. The music was made in 2009-10 and was set to be independently released and promoted in spring 2010.
"January 8 2010 I was offered this dream job with Disney, to move to Paris, (my favourite city) and they needed me to start January 10. It was fast! I had 2 days to get there, pack up my life in London and instinct just took over and I said yes, and didn't look back."
The music was put on hold. Matt decided the Paris contract would just be for 3 months and then he'd return to London to finish the music.
3 months turned into a year. Paris turned into an offer from Tokyo. Tokyo turned into an overseas contract of several years, and offers to work in Singapore and Hong Kong followed.
"I was so happy travelling and working abroad. I was doing amazing shows and modelling for great brands, but it was always in the back of my mind to make music again. I actually tried to find the songs a few years ago, but it appeared they were lost! I couldn't find them on any emails, mp3's... CD copies were long lost, with all the travelling. I abandoned the project and felt pretty sad to have never finalised it."
Then Covid-19 struck the world and forced everyone into isolation and lockdown. Matt returned to England to spend a few weeks with family when lockdown kicked in.
"I was going through some storage boxes when I found several computer hard drives. As soon as I saw one particular hard drive, I knew that the songs were there, I'd found them!"
22 tracks were found, edited, mixed and the final result is the 6 track E.P. 'Majestic'.
"I called it 'Majestic', after the name of the theatre in my home town, where it all started for me, really. My first musical offering was always going to be called 'Majestic'. I really can't believe anything good could come from this lockdown situation thats affected the whole world, but I guess this is proof that there is always a silver lining, even in seemingly hopeless times. I'm so proud of this record. I hope you'll enjoy the nostalgia, just as I did putting it together!"
'Majestic' is out now on Limited Edition black vinyl CD, Digital Download and all Streaming services.
'Majestic' hit Number One on the iTunes Pop chart in Singapore and Number Three in the main iTunes chart in Singapore, on July 2 2020.